Guide to configure Materials Testing Machine in 3 steps

The Materials Testing Machine is one of the most commonly used equipment in the engineering world. Tensile testing is quite common; there are several factors considered before choosing the tensile testing system for an application. There are only 3 simple questions to ask before choosing a test machine, fixtures, grips, and software. Q. 1 – What are the specific test you are going to perform and the material you want to measure? Materials Testing Machine Materials TestingMachine are also called Universal Testing machines. They can perform a wide variety of measurements on any material. Tensile stresses can be applied to materials to determine the tear, shear, tensile properties, and adhesion properties, to name a few. Q. 2 – What is the force required performing the desired test with the tensile testing system? Many tensile tests require increasing the applied force to the material until it fails. The force required is difficult to answer unless the mechanical pro...